Cirugía Correctiva- ingles*

Corrective Surgery

¿What is a corrective surgery?

It is when through a procedure the result of another operation is corrected.

In almost all cases, it is possible to reverse the consequences of a bad transplant. Patients with “doll hair” or “cornrow” implants have the option of achieving a more natural look.

It is also possible to repair implants where irregularly low hairlines have been seeded or too large clumps (“tufts”) have been planted in the wrong places. With the FUE technique, these seeds are extracted, divided under a microscope respecting the natural anatomy of the follicle and reimplanted in the correct place and direction (angle). Remember it is normal for men to have some tickets. Closing them too low is a common cause of an unnatural result in surgery, and corrective surgery can fix your situation.

If the patient has enough donor tissue, follicular units of one hair per follicle can also be transplanted and sown around the large strands and thus “dissolve that unnatural image” obtaining excellent results. Of course this is done only in medial (more internal) areas and not for anterior frontal areas.

¿Why doesn’t it look natural?

Although they are your own hair and grow at the same speed as the rest and have the same color and texture, they do not look natural for 4 main reasons:

1. Very large grafts. (More than three hairs come out from the same point)

2. Too symmetrical and uniform anterior implantation line. (The natural thing is that they have a certain irregularity and some satellite hair, recreating the normal growth of hair on the head).

3. Distance between each implant too large, leaving little density per square centimeter. (This can happen when it is intended to cover large areas with limited donor tissue).

4. The direction of hair growth is not natural. Depending on the site of the head, the angle of growth is specific. What some doctors do is seed them all up without taking into account the importance of direction.

The too “perfect” front lines without the natural irregularities make the work unnatural and noticeable to the naked eye.
There are different degrees of Bad Transplants’, all devastating for the patient and / or her loved ones.

If unfortunately you were deceived by a “specialist” who guaranteed you a wonderful result, at a very low cost or you have not had surgery yet but they are promising you that in two or three hours they will do everything, without pain and without proof of many results similar to your case, DON’T TRUST.

The too “perfect” front lines without the natural irregularities make the work unnatural and noticeable to the naked eye.
There are different degrees of Bad Transplants’, all devastating for the patient and / or her loved ones.

If unfortunately you were deceived by a “specialist” who guaranteed you a wonderful result, at a very low cost or you have not had surgery yet but they are promising you that in two or three hours they will do everything, without pain and without proof of many results similar to your case, DON’T TRUST.

Avoid having to go through the painful experience of a poorly performed surgery. And if it is too late, do not get depressed, here at HairDoctors we do these corrective treatments with the greatest possible delicacy, especially taking into account that the follicles are not unlimited and neither is the money.